Why it’s hard to forgive? Forgiveness Vs. Reconciliation and practicing forgiveness

When We Get it Wrong
When We Get it Wrong
Why it's hard to forgive? Forgiveness Vs. Reconciliation and practicing forgiveness

Have you ever struggled to forgive someone who has wronged you? Or perhaps you’ve found it difficult to forgive yourself for past mistakes? In this episode, we delve deep into the complex nature of forgiveness. We’ll explore why it’s so challenging to let go of resentment and the common misconceptions surrounding forgiveness. Often, we confuse forgiveness with reconciliation. While they’re related, they’re not the same. True forgiveness is an internal process, a choice to release anger, resentment and bitterness. Reconciliation, on the other hand, is an external action, a decision to restore a relationship. Drawing inspiration from Paul Robinson’s insightful book, “When We Get It Wrong,” we’ll uncover the steps involved in the forgiveness process. We’ll discuss how to practice self-compassion, let go of grudges, and cultivate empathy. For a deeper dive into the subject, check out Paul Robinson’s documentary, “Lessons in Forgiveness,” available for free on YouTube. You can also listen to his audiobook, “Learning to Forgive,” for further guidance. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of forgiveness and embark on a journey towards healing and peace.