Why do most people get time management wrong? And how to fix it.

When We Get it Wrong
When We Get it Wrong
Why do most people get time management wrong? And how to fix it.

Paul Robinson’s book ‘WHEN WE GET IT WROING’ talks about Time Management Vs Priority Management.  When we try to manage time, we often fail to achieve the end result, but when you set priorities, we tend to achieve them.  Lets learn how to manage time by learning different tools for prioritisation.  Here is a short into from the book: In our fast-paced world, time management has become a critical skill for individuals seeking to accomplish their goals efficiently. However, the truth is that we cannot control or manage time itself. The clock keeps ticking regardless of our efforts to speed it up or slow it down. Time is a limited resource, and it is the most valuable currency we possess. The key to effective time management lies in priority management, the art of differentiating between the majors and the minors. In the intricate dance of time management, most of us find ourselves grappling with its complexities, struggling to wield it with proficiency. For some, the foe is procrastination, an insidious force that pulls us away from our duties and goals. Yet, among the ranks of time’s challengers, a more subtle adversary lurks—the “productive procrastinator.” These individuals may not squander their time on trivial pursuits like aimlessly scrolling through social media or indulging in distractions. Instead, they fall prey to a different trap—weak priority management. The productive procrastinators, while not entirely unproductive, invest their time in tasks that yield meager and inconsequential outcomes. Their efforts are akin to plucking the low-hanging fruits, opting for the simple and repetitive tasks that may keep them busy but fail to produce substantial results. They succumb to the allure of tackling minor chores and actions, often neglecting the more pressing and impactful tasks that demand their attention. Enjoy this episode on Time management and productivity tips.